Thursday, December 8, 2016

Oh, Hi! Life With a 4 Month Old Rookie Human!

Oh, Hi! Life With a 4 Month Old Rookie Human!

It turns out that all those advice giving, well wishing experienced parents were right....Time really DOES FLY when you have a baby.
Actually, to be precise, she is 19 weeks old.  Apparently it's frowned upon to just refer to your infant as so many months old and not know the week situation off the top of your worn out head.

SO MUCH HAS CHANGED.  ALSO, the synopsis to follow should help you to understand why these posts are about a month apart....ahem....4-5 weeks.

We have actually hired a SITTER!  
This has been a game changer.  Friday and Saturday nights are now reserved date nights for the hubs and I again.  
As much as we love and adore and dote on B, it's fabulous to have some adults only time.  It's also fabulous to be able to have a glass of wine at dinner and not worry about it because I won't even be home for at least 3 hours!
Oh, Pinot Grigio, I may not ever order you in as stone cold of a cool girl way as Stassi Schroeder,  but I enjoy you immensely none the less.

B Is Getting Kinda Mobile!
By that...I mean I can no longer just set her on her Boppy Infant Lounger and turn around for a moment to grab something.   
The girl will literally swing those legs and roll right off.  
I know this because today we were playing on the floor, I set her in said lounger, turned to grab a shirt to hang up, and away she rolled.
Yepp....I can now refer to those days as the good old ones.
While she isn't exactly ready to scooch around the room, or even flip over on a flat surface, just the knowledge that she's making the decision and the effort to reposition herself is one of those super exciting things that you get REALLY annoying about when you're a new tell everyone you talk to including the waitress annoying.

She's Eating ACTUAL Food
As long as you count steamed and pureed vegetables and fruits without any seasoning food, which, actually, is not too shabby I have to say.  Also, It's for sure crossed my mind that an awesome way to lose the rest of this baby weight would be to go on the B diet of pureed real food.  Nutrient dense.  Low Calorie.  JUST SAYING.
Her FIRST encounter with the spoon brought some nice, juicy bananas to her lips.
The kid couldn't care less about a banana.
Second attempt was smooth and creamy avocado.
Girlfriend would eat a half of an avocado at a time if we would allow her to!
We've also done Spinach & Sweet Potato, Hummus...and maybe a small taste of vanilla pudding.
I can't bring myself to puree we're going to have to get our protein from an item like lentils in this house.  I just CAN NOT put pureed chicken on a spoon, look B in the eye, and actually ask her to experience that.  
I'm not an animal.

She's Literally SO MUCH FUN.
Gone are the "blob" days as my husband called them.
We are well into the fun time.
She laughs.  She anticipates the tickle monster.
She hides from her daddy when he's trying to kiss her as part of a game they play.
She looks at books and coos.
She holds a ball!
She reaches, and grabs for things that she wants.
And she REALLY loves some good 90s R&B to dance around the house to.

I'm actually really feeling good in my mom groove lately.  I can get a shower handled in the morning most days, have been able to get back in the gym 2-3 days a week thanks to my fantastic mother in law, and this Sunday I FINALLY have a mani pedi. (You know, those things that used to happen every other week of my life without fail?)
I've experienced diaper blow outs, spit up on the way out of the house, bathrooms with no changing station, restaurants with no space for the stroller or carseat.  BUILDINGS WITH NO RAMP for the stroller.
A 5 hour car ride to the beach and a 2 hour international flight.
Moody days when we get shots at the doctor and want to nurse for what seems like 20 hours straight.
Separation anxiety where Mommy is the only person that she will go to and not cry with.

AND YET....EVERY DAY is better than the last.
I'm so beyond blessed to have this little rookie human to take care of.
She's seriously the coolest girl ever.

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