So. First - the car trouble from Friday? It was a plastic bag, stuck to the bottom of my car, burning off. Stinky?? Yes. Actually a problem? Nope! Translation = I kind of saved like $2k by not having to drop my car at the Benz dealership....which means my shopping budget was like totally ok. Wah-hooo!
ALSO. It was my birthday Saturday. And it friggin rocked.
Woke up and the fiance was gone. What?!?!
Apparently he snuck out before I woke up. OBVIOUSLY to pick up some super cool item for a bday morning surprise.
Then I started thinking about how the night before I had mentioned that I really really would love to wake up to chocolate chip, pecan, coconut, banana pancakes.
Did I hope that's what he was doing?? YES.
I would have to do like a million hours of Tracy Anderson dance cardio to work those off.
So I jumped out of bed, threw on my leopard print Nike Airs...and started jumping around with my frenemy Tracy.
You know, pre-emptive strike, cause how RUDE if he showed up with those pancakes and I didn't eat them. ALL.
So....he gets home and tells me there's someone at the door.
Are the pancakes just out there being cold? That's awful. Have to save them.
I go to the front door, open it....and my inner turmoil is over.
There are 4 dozen roses sitting there, smiling at me all pretty and calorie free. This guy, he just knows me.
In the roses, my bday card is nestled there, and inside......a message redeemable for a SHOPPING SPREE!!!!
(and I, being the responsible shopper I am, had been saving my Neiman Marcus gift card from Chanukah my mind immediately went to....OMG. I am bringing home Louboutins today!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaah!!!!)
AND we went to Neiman Marcus at Lenox Square Mall.

And, as a double whammy....I went to get my nails done today and had the brilliant idea to match 'em to my new shoes....and turns out OPI's Candy Apple Red gel color is a perfect match!
Whew !!!
So many things accomplished!
Want to get in on some of this action?? Oh, Hi! Links Below!!!
Oh, Hi! - Christian Louboutin "Victoria" Pump - $1095 -
Oh, Hi! - O.P.I. Big Apple Red Gel! @ Eminence Nail Salon in Buckhead