Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Oh, Hi! Kardashley Makeup Tutorials !

Oh, Hi! Kardashley Makeup Tutorials!

So...we kind of have a MAH-JOR girl crush on Ashley Iaconetti, and you should too.  Ashley was our favorite part of watching The Bachelor this season just to see what she would wear...what she would do with her makeup...and to cheer on a fellow brunette, Kardashian beauty obsessed, Forever 21 dabbling fabulous 20 something girl that OWNED her melodrama.
She has this super fun blog, Duchess Kimberly, and has started posting makeup tutorials....which we, are of course, LOVING. SO WE HAD to share them with you!!!  We are even so on board with the fact that she is not rocking a preset, perfectly lit, professionally video'd set-up.... #keepingitrealandstillsoOhHiMaintenance
She's gotten us totally hooked on using the Maybelline Dream Mousse foundation as a concealer and now even as a great contour assistant...and we LOVE that she's a real girl just doing her thing.
Thanks Ashley I. ... a.k.a. Kardashley, for being YOU and never apologizing for it.  We just love you over here at Oh, Hi Maintenance!

The first two videos are tutorials...and the last three are super fun because she's showing the blogger from Possessionista trying to follow along.  #LOVE


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