Thursday, March 10, 2016

Oh, Hi! Dinner At Tiffani's! (and my inspiration to have a little more fun in the kitchen)

Oh, Hi! Dinner At Tiffani's! 
(and my inspiration to have a little more fun in the kitchen)

Before last night, if you mentioned the name "Tiffani Amber Thiessen" to me, I would have conjured up this image immediately:
(oh man....Zack Morris *hearts*)

Also, there may have been a slight blush and eye roll because my husband insists that we look SO MUCH ALIKE (HELLO! COMPLIMENTS!).

I would not, however, have thought at "Ohmygosh-I-Am-So-ADDICTED-To-Her-Cooking-Show!"
That has all changed though.

Last night, during a bout of insomnia thanks to this growing baby bump I'm rocking, and the fact that getting super comfy in bed is slightly more difficult than it used to be, the hubs suggested that I turn the TV on and let it put me to sleep.
Sounded like a great idea.
I even turned the Cooking Channel on thinking it would knock me right out, because who gets sucked in to cooking shows late at night?
Apparently, this girl RIGHT HERE does.

BUT it's because all of a sudden, right in the middle of boring late night TV, Tiffani Thiessen pops onto the screen extolling the values of her "Italian Breadsticks", "Crab Cakes", "Chopped Salad with Roasted Veggies", and ... wait for it.... "Limoncello Sorbet"!!!
Joined by two girlfriends in her kitchen (ONE BEING JULIE BENZ!!!! *fangirl moment*), Tiffani proceeded to whip up an extremely mouthwatering meal, complete with easy to follow instructions as she went, witty chatter with the ladies, and a gorgeous backdrop which appears to be her home, and completed by a perfectly appointed tablescape where the ladies dined on their amazing looking meal.

Tiffani as a host is real, sassy, sweet, and totally relatable!  Her recipes look AMAZING and I ended up staying up to watch another episode (while totally stalking her Cooking Channel page and pinning EVERY SINGLE RECIPE I COULD FIND!)

In an era of Giada's, Contessas, and Rays ... all of which are totally valid and entertaining sources of kitchen inspiration...Tiffani Thiessen is a breath of fresh air for me.

I'm totally re-inspired to get back in the kitchen with a new little pep in my step!  Although I didn't try any of the recipes yet (this will be remedied with a grocery shop this weekend!)...The husband did get to come home to a yummy, healthy meal of BBQ Salmon, Roasted Mini Potatoes, Grilled Asparagus, Roasted Corn.....and his FAVE....made from SCRATCH, applesauce infused, secret recipe BANANA BREAD for dessert!

Check out the link to her show page and a few of the recipes below!
Are you already a fan of "Dinner At Tiffani's"? Tried any of the recipes? 
Comment Below!


*Credit for all Images and Recipes goes to Dinner At Tiffani's*

P.S. Here's a couple of snaps of what happened in our kitchen today:

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